Cats have opinions too! … and ours like to let theirs known often. 😉 Overall our cats behave quite well when we’re playing games, except around the time when we’re about to feed them. They get a little rowdy then and sometimes jump on the table.

We’ve been continuing two of our campaign games last week, Pandemic Legacy Season 2 and The 7th Continent. We really have a power team playing Pandemic and that’s so much fun. Next up is, August!

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With 7th Continent, we’ve decided to limit the play time to 60 – 90 minutes. And in those last 30 minutes, we stop at a point that would be ideal as a saving point! This means that we stop at a point that we’re still curious about what’s next and prevents that we stop playing because we’re done with the game and don’t want to play anymore. 🙂

And friends of ours now have Bärenpark, so we’ve also finally played that! I must say it’s a smart game and the Tetris-element is smartly integrated into the game. It surely isn’t the first game to do that, but it really works in this game. And to be honest, I personally like it better than Cottage Garden for example. I think it’s satisfying to see the growth of your own park and that it stays on the table, while in Cottage Garden your garden board gets reset multiple times during a game. Also, the theme of a bear park is just fun! I think that the most simple play mode of the game would even be great to play with kids.

So, all the printed matter for the UK Games Expo is done! It’s sent to the printer and will be here well on time, hurray! I’m dreading the deadlines of work-related things I have before the UKGE, but nonetheless, I am looking forward to it! Can’t wait to meet all kinds of new people, meet friends again and to try out some of the new games on the market.

What would your pets think about certain games?

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