A four-panel comic featuring two pilots in a cockpit. In the first panel, a pilot with short, pastel-colored hair and a headset looks nervous while holding a cup, with a caption that reads, 'I don't drink coffee.' The second panel shows a stormy sky with lightning through the cockpit window, with the caption, 'That looks like turbulent weather.' The third panel displays the cockpit controls with various buttons and screens, with a caption reading, 'I donโ€™t know how to fly this plane.' In the final panel, both pilots are shown sitting side by side, holding hands for support, smiling nervously but determined. The caption reads, 'But I know we'll get through this, together.'


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We’ve done some board game-related rhymes for Valentine’s Day in the past and because they are fun, it was time for another! And what better game than Sky Team to try to add some turbulence to your relationship? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Our week kicked off with an impromptu Middara game night because another activity was canceled. Middara scenarios tend to run a little longer than we want on a weekday night but luckily, when you enter a new area, it’s easy to quit and pick up where we left off next time (just take a picture of the state of the characters, and voilร !). So far, we’ve been enjoying that we can combine Middara with another shorter game that takes about 30-60 minutes. So, we played a game of It’s a Wonderful World (yes, again!). If I ever had to make a board game collection of only ten games, this game would be part of it (with the expansions, preferably).

On Thursday night, we played a game we hadn’t played in years… Burgle Bros 2! This was the first time we played it with more than two players and we couldn’t remember that it was so hard to beat! We played two games, the first one ended really rapidly because a guard walked through a player’s space twice in his turn and there was nothing we could do about that. On the second try, we did a lot better but the random escape condition was really hard to achieve and… we didn’t make it. We did crack the safe really smoothly and that felt like a small victory nonetheless. ๐Ÿ˜‰

This weekend, we played Xia: Legends of a Drift System and I love the game. We only played a ten-point game and I noticed that I’m really bad at those, I tend to be drawn towards upgrading the ship and long-term thinking while it’s much better to try to complete as many missions as possible for points. And next time, I want to try to play like an outlaw in our games there’s very little player confrontation and I’m wondering how it changes the game if you’re a potential threat to other players.
To stick to the theme of the day, we topped the afternoon off with a game of Wormholes, which you could consider to be a very very simplified version of Xia with its traveling through space using wormholes and completing delivery missions. We’re still really impressed by this clever game and should really try to get it to the table more often.

Yesterday, Heinze and I played Rival Cities for the first time. It’s the newest two-player game by Deep Print Games and it’s about the rivalry between Hamburg and Altona. The game is an exciting thug-of-war game in which you try to collect as many victory points as possible OR try to immediately win the game by four other win conditions. During our first game, Heinze suddenly snatched victory by buying a fourth ship while I only had one… and one of the win conditions is “have three ships more than your opponent”. I think I was focused too much on the victory points instead of the alternative win conditions but that’ll change… that’ll change, next time, next time! The game has an amazing table presence and we really like the matchboxes for storing game components.

This week is going to be a little less filled up with board games than last week but it’ll be nice to recharge the social battery a little. ๐Ÿ™‚

What game would you play on Valentine’s Day?

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