I’ve always played with the idea of starting a webcomic in my head and one evening, Heinze and I just kept spilling great ideas for comics… all about board games we’d played. After doing some research it turned out there are some very good webcomics about boardgames, but there aren’t that many related to the subject.
So we’re launching this adventure today, on International Tabletop Day, with lots of great and creative ideas which we’d love to share with the world! Enjoy the ride, I’m sure we will.
Disclaimer: We might not actually own as many games as the visual image suggests, but it does express our feeling. We fell in love with board games about two years ago and our collection has grown quite quickly. Up to the point that we had games piled up laying around in our living room, simply because we didn’t know were to put them.
So, which game are you certainly going to play today on International Tabletop Day? 🙂