We loved this little fact about Beziér Games and thought that most people have no idea why the company is called that! It was also because the games that Ted was producing back in the day exclusively used the vector program Illustrator! Having a graphics background and working with vectors quite regularly, it was super cool to learn about this. 🙂
It’s our “Summer break”! No worries, we still post updates every Monday but we like to experiment with the content a little! This year we’ve decided to team up with Peer Sylvester (game designer of The King is Dead, Village Green, and The Lost Expedition) because he runs the Twitter account Board Game Facts where he shares facts about board games and the industry. Alas, since Twitter is in shambles and due to changes at Tweetdeck, Peer has decided to pull the plug. We want to highlight his cool research by putting some interesting facts in the spotlight instead of normal comics this month.
I’m very fond of Prolific Games (but that’s partly because I used to playtest their games and do rules editing for them)
I ‘ll go literal and say Cool Mini Or Not.