This is the most popular board game fact ever on the Board Games Facts account and with good reason. It’s actually such a cool story we mailed the publisher to get some additional facts and to check if it is actually true. Many thanks to MIPL for responding to our e-mail to confirm the story and give us some additional details! ❤️
It’s our “Summer break”! No worries, we still post updates every Monday but we like to experiment with the content a little! This year we’ve decided to team up with Peer Sylvester (game designer of The King is Dead, Village Green, and The Lost Expedition) because he runs the Twitter account Board Game Facts where he shares facts about board games and the industry. Alas, since Twitter is in shambles and due to changes at Tweetdeck, Peer has decided to pull the plug. We want to highlight his cool research by putting some interesting facts in the spotlight instead of normal comics this month.
I translated Fauna into Finnish, and I think I also had to come up with names for a critter or two that were without Finnish names. None of my names were ever considered official by any means, though.
The one that scores me the win.