Heinze came up with these fantastic poems of these two games we love and I just had to make a comic about it. I’ll make sure that we’ll come up with less ‘romantic’ comics for the coming weeks. 😉
And there is this last wedding-related thing I wanted to share with you guys. As a little thank you present for our guests, we made our own version of Love Letter! Featuring ourselves and ofcourse our cats. 😀 Here’s a gallery with some pictures of the game (click the arrows to see more):
haha this is fun to, take your time enjoying the moment: congrats,
Have two! One darker…
There once was a villain, Ramonat
Who when fighting his toughest opponent
Accidentally slaughtered
His foe’s only daughter
And now fights alongside in atonement.
And one more in keeping with your recent good news!
Machine Cult is red
Federation is blue
All of my outposts
Are belong to you
Nautical Dog
Into your base he will break.
Nautical Dog
Striped shirt, army hat, doesn’t like cake.
Nautical Dog
They found him in a lake.
(reference: http://codexcards.surge.sh/card/nautical_dog)
Heinze Havinga
Love it! What game is this?
Aaahhh I totally didn’t get thenough notification for this reply!
The game is Codex, recently Kickstarted by David Sirlin.
My first is Baron Blade, from the superhero co-op game Sentinels of the Multiverse. In one timeline Ivan Ramonat killed Pauline Parsons – the daughter of Paul Parsons, better known as Legacy. With his daughter dead and the chain of inheritance broken (each child of the Parsons family gains a new power), Legacy became dogmatic and violent, eventually coming to terrorise the world as the supervillain Iron Legacy. Much later, and in a different timeline, a repentant and wiser Baron Blade joins the heroes as the superhero Luminary (Ivan has a thing about the moon) to help them fight the most dangerous adversary of all…
My 2nd, of course, is Star Realms. 🙂
Jake Wylie
With greater discretion than most,
I build routes along east and west coast.
Then the last linking route,
to clinch the game without doubt,
gets claimed before I can boast!
[Ticket to Ride]
“My ship will be fine,” said Jimmy McMoore.
“I’ve got cargo and batt’ries and engines galore!”
But the one thing he lacked
(And this is a fact!)
Was a gun for halting that predator.