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We have been culling quite some board games and there are even a few empty spots on our shelves at the moment! Ahem, not taking the pile of games that we’re trying to find new owners for into account, of course.
It had been a while, but we visited our favorite (and local) gaming store Comicasa! Since we’ve regained space, we picked up a copy of the Heat expansion Heavy Rain and we came across the Dutch edition of Sea Salt & Paper! Just kidding, we would have gotten those either way. 😉
Sea Salt & Paper is one of those games everybody has been talking about but we’ve never played it. We somehow expected it to be a trick-taking game but it’s not! Love the art, the simplicity and the fact that a round ends when one of the players announces it (if they have at least 7 points). They can either just end the round by saying “stop” or if they say “last chance”, everybody gets another turn, and scores of that round will be compared to the person that said “last chance”. If that player scores more points than any other player, the other players lose their points and only get a few for the number of cards they have collected. If any other player scored more than her/him/them… OUCH. The player loses their points that round. So far, we’ve only played it with two players and are quite curious if it’s different or better with more players.
We’ve also played other games this week. We started by playing The Fisheries of Gloucester. The game is so tight. It’s easy to block your opponent, forcing them to spend precious hours (action points) just to move further away from the coast to get to the fish. I must say, I do think it’s a great game and worth looking into if you enjoy confrontational two-player games.
We also played Kutná Hora: The City of Silver. It’s one of those games we think we could play in under an hour with just the two of us, but setting it up also takes 15 minutes, so we’re in the market for an insert for that one! 😀 After four plays, we still really enjoy it.
We also played our first game of Unmatched Adventures: Tales to Amaze and I must admit we were amazed. We felt like two-player Unmatched lacked depth but the co-op version of the game really hits the right spot for us! We’re looking forward to playing it again this week and try it with friends.
We ended the week with an old favorite of ours: Kombo Klash! We still think it’s a mystery that the game scores quite low on BGG and that it hasn’t gotten a bigger fanbase or was picked up internationally by other publishers. The mysteries of the board game industry…
In case you missed it, we published an extra comic last week about Lumicora!
Footrests. Just stack a bunch of them on the floor in front of your chair.
Shelving. Empty boxes from expansions that got condensed into the main game can also function as extra storage!
Love SS&P. It plays great 2p and is also on BGA with expansion.