And… we’re back to Semi Co-op comics drawn by me! 🙂 We kick off with some cats, because everything is better with cats, right? Then again, I might be biased with two of them running around the house.
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Cat Lady is one of those games that I think is looked over by more “serious” gamers because of its cutesy looks. But this game has more meat to it than you’d think on the first impression. It’s a fun card game with multiple elements to it, from set collection to resource management. Personally, I think this is a fun gateway game because it’s accessible to many people because of the theme, but it’s also fun to play for people who are used to little heavier games.
Talking about fun, we finally played Honey Heist yesterday! We had planned a D&D night, but multiple players and our DM had to cancel last minute, so we took our chance and snuck in Honey Heist session with the remaining players. Heinze took on the role of DM and he presented us with a fun and silly heist scenario on HoneyCON 2019! HoneyHeist is a one-page RPG made by Grant Howitt in which players take on the role of bears that will undertake the greatest heist the world has ever seen! … or just a heist. Either way, it’s silly and it should be taken lightly and it’s meant to just have fun. Oh, and hats! I forgot the hats! Bears are incognito among humans while wearing hats.
If you’re ever interested in giving it a shot, you can download the rules for free here and Heinze made character-sheet for the players, which you can download here.
This week we’ll receive our copy of Architects of the West Kingdom and we’re looking forward to that! We presented our followers on Facebook and Twitter with a few games we’re interested in and asked them which game they thought we should buy with the Amazon gift cards we had thanks to people using our affiliate links – and the result was Architects of the West Kingdom! 🙂 We’re also getting the new Dungeon and Dragons Essential Kit because we’re really curious about the 2-player rules and we’d like to give that a try.
The problem with Cat Lady is the high luck factor (and some imbalanced card powers). You can’t plan ahead too much because you don’t know what cards you will get and what others will snatch in front of you. And you only have 5 options in each turn (6 with spray), which offers very limited tactical possibilities. Still, I like to play it with casual gamers. It’s short, easy to teach, fun, and cute. I agree it’s a great gateway game but I get why it’s overlooked by more experienced gamers. It’s not (only) because of the cutesy looks, it’s because it doesn’t reward you to come up with more advanced strategies.
Very good point, it doesn’t lend itself for advanced strategies and I might have forgotten a little how much luck has to do with winning this game.
That probably makes it, even more, a great gateway game to keep a balance between new and experienced players. 🙂
Isn’t that second panel just describing Root?