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We finally played Tribes of the Wind again last week! I’ve been wanting to play that for a while, but somehow people always picked other games when we offered them a few options. Alas, we played it again with just the two of us, but then again, I do think the game has an excellent solution for the lack of an extra neighbor that is needed for lots of the card abilities. Instead of looking at the card backs of a third player, you use the card backs of the market row which works perfectly as well. I still really enjoy the game and am hoping we get to play it one day with more players. 🙂
We also got to play the latest in Ticket to Ride’s smaller game versions, Ticket to Ride: Berlin! We thought Venice would be the next in line with little gondolas, but they went with Berlin. This new version did not disappoint and we were surprised how having two different trains really worked well. Players now have only 11 trams and 5 metros. The metro tracks are located at the edge of the board and the trams are in the middle. This leaves an interesting puzzle for players with the limited trains that are available – you really need to watch out that you can actually reach the destinations on your tickets with the trains you have left. We’re calling this one a success!
This weekend we also did our long-planned Magic draft of the Lord of the Rings set. It was postponed a few times due to all kinds of issues but yesterday we did it! We really enjoy this format of getting three draft boosters per person and having a big pile of land cards that people can freely add to their decks. The Lord of the Rings set is a pure delight if you’re a fan of the movies or the books. There are so many fun recognizable cards and the food tokens just really fit the theme with all those hungry Hobbits. 😉
In case you missed it, we published two extra comics last week! A comic about Colossal Cat in the Box and another one in the SheGames series! Many thanks to Bezier Games and Board & Dice for supporting our work. 🙂
Terraforming Mars on the app is a good solo that I play often. (hard to play against a friend online unless you’re both online and playing the game all the way through, and the bots aren’t good competition, but the solo is pretty fun and challenging)
I mostly play solos when I’m trying to learn a new game. A lot of the time it’ll make it easier to teach.
Ricardo Oskam
Hoplomachus Victorum, finally had some time last week to bring it out to start my third campaign. I like how they have a relatively quick setup and save state between sessions. Can’t leave it out because our cats will take the chips as prey or chew through the draw bag.
I love how you have made the game solo playable as well! This is a great addition!