HAPPY NEW YEAR! May the dice rolls be in your favor in 2018!
2017 has come to an end, and so we present your part two of the Golden Standees: The People’s Choice awards! Contributed by readers and we asked Colin and Aileen from TinyWoodenPieces to make an award and they did an amazing job! It’s great to see them in action again. <3 We would like to thank all of our readers for the fantastic past year. We can’t wait to get started with 2018 since we have a lot of great ideas we want to explore and present to you and the world.
Iain Simmons
Great post! Love the video and the awards are fantastic!
I set myself a 10×10 challenge (no specific games, letting the Board Game Stats app do all the hard work for me), and a 365 plays in 2018 challenge.
My wife would probably like to see a more general ‘buy fewer games’ goal on that list… ?
What were your goals?
Heinze Havinga
This year we want to finish and start some campaign games. We’re about the finish Mechs vs. Minion (one mission left), finish the Dunwich cycle for Arkham Horror (as soon as the final pack is available in Europe) and start with Charterstone, Gloomhaven and Tail Feathers. We also want to visit more gaming conventions after because Essen was such a succes!
We tend to be very bad at 10×10 challenges so we decided not to do those anymore, but we do track all our plays on BGG if you’re curious what we play. https://boardgamegeek.com/plays/bygame/user/UptonPickman/subtype/boardgame
Uhhh….. Is that dude getting violently whacked off?
Loved that video! Slowly getting up to date with the strips, don’t want to because it means I will have to start actually waiting to read new ones T.T.
I wanted to say: you’re really close though! Until I realized this comment was placed under the 2017 Golden Standees instead of the 2018’s one. Enjoy reading! 😀