HAPPY NEW YEAR! With our country still being in lockdown, it was just us and the cats on New Year’s Eve. Normally we’re not really party people on the last day of the year, but this year, we saw no other people and we just stayed inside and played some games and watched some TV. Fireworks were prohibited this year, but people clearly ignored that and there were about as many fireworks as every year.
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So we ended 2020 with having played 343 games in total, that’s ten more than our previous record! Our top We show some of our stats and our top 10 most-played games were:
1. Tiny Towns
2. The Crew
3. Gloomhaven
4. Mansions of Madness
5. Mental Blocks
6. Quirky Circuits
7. Abandon All Artichokes
8. Ghost Adventure
9. Ticket to Ride: Amsterdam
10. Coup
You can see more detailed stats and our highlights of the year on our Twitter account if you’re interested!
Last week has been nice and relaxing and we enjoyed a full week without any work at all! We’ve played… Gods Love Dinosaurs, Lost Ruins of Arnak, Ticket to Ride: Amsterdam, Abandon All Artichokes, Tiny Towns, Lego Creationary, Mansions of Madness and Cubitos. We’re giving away Lego Creationary to friends and wanted to play it one last time and we’re not sorry it’s going to go. We think it might be really good with children, but it didn’t work for us. 🙂
We played two scenarios of Mansions of Madness and those were a lot of fun. We really enjoy the creativity of the different scenarios and we always just have a good time playing this almost RPG-like experience.
For now, it’s back to work and we’re looking forward to the new year, we have awesome plans for Semi Co-op and there are so many awesome games to play. We wish you all the best for 2021! 🙂
The last game we played was Lost Ruins of Arnak. It was my wife’s first game of it, and as tradition dictates, she won it easily.
Because of tradition and no other reason. None at all.
We managed to finish the year with 521 plays / 225 different games – by far the most ever. About 98% of those were two player. The last games of the year were Back to the Future: Back in Time and Pendulum to stick with the time theme for New Years.
Splendor. Lots and lots of Splendor. My parents got a copy for Christmas.
And I’ve played the crap out of the digital version.
My dad won two of the games, though, so not all was lost.
Lieutenant Dan
My last game of 2020 was The Climbers, played on New Year’s Eve.
Last board game of 2020 was Twilight Imperium (played on Tabletop Simulator however). TI was also my first game of 2021; played on the first!
The last game I played in 2020 was Roll Player! I’d been wanting to play it for a while so got a play of it in with friends on TTS. I liked it a bunch, though I’m always comparing it to Call to Adventure due to the similar theme of RPG character building. I think the gameplay of Roll Player is a little more fun, but Call to Adventure’s focus on building the character’s story ends up leading to more fun in telling just what the character did. Both fun games!
Simon Clark
Archipelago, the Solo mode. Got the expansion gifted to me for christmas and finally got to play a game I was given in 2019!
do you own gloomhaven jaws of the lion or legends of andor, or the expansion jourany to the north or northwest passage ?
Chris M
Last game played in 2020 was Tokaido. A relaxing vacation is just what we really need after the dumpster fire of 2020. Now if only 2021 was actually looking brighter…