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Een bericht gedeeld door Semi Co-op (@semicoop)

Ahh, game tables! It’s a lovely topic and everybody has their preferences and creative solutions if room is limited… We have a normal dining table of 180 x 100 cm and that works perfectly well for us!

As we predicted, last week was the opposite of the week before that if it comes to gaming! It might almost get boring to hear, but we again played a Descent scenario! I think we have about three or four left before we’re done. We did think that this scenario was weirdly easy compared to the one we played last. But sometimes an easier win is nice too. 😉

We played another game of  Let’s Go! To Japan and we are surprised by how quickly we can now set up and play the game. We never thought it would be a game we could play in less than thirty minutes. We think this game will end up in our top ten of most-played games this year. On Thursday, it was time for another game night and we played Root. Vanilla Root without any of the expansions and… The Woodland Alliance didn’t win for a change, huzzah!

This weekend, we played two new games to us. On Saturday, we cuddled with our favorite Newfoundlander Odin and we played Wyrmspan! After hearing so much about this “expert” version of Wingspan we were very curious and friends of ours had a copy. We both liked the gameplay better than the original Wingspan and it’s interesting what they changed in the game to give it a little more body. In essence, it’s still the same game but we like the new action system better. Playing your cards… eh, dragons or guild actions right, might give you more silver coins to spend on actions and this gives you a little more room to get strategic. So if you (kinda) like Wingspan but think it’s lacking a bit, you might want to check out Wyrmspan.

On Sunday, we tackled the first half of the Middara: Unintentional Malum Act 1 tutorial. Succubus Publishing was very kind to send us a copy of the game (it’s so big!) and the timing is great since we’re almost finished with Descent. Our group does have slight issues with the art of the game and we aren’t the biggest fans of the often, uhm, poorly dressed women in the game. It feels a bit cheap and doesn’t do the characters any justice. But, we’ve heard good things about the gameplay and we liked our first experience so we want to give it a try!

What does your (gaming) table look like?

We jumped on the SunnyGeeks kickstarter a couple of years back and love our table. Unfortunately, it’s almost always X-Wing underneath (and we rarely play considering the space it’s taking up) and we more frequently play on the top instead of in the cellar.

I was always thinking about a specialised board game table. In the end my wife and I decided that they are not more beautiful or practical than a normal table when you use it also as a dining table.
So now we have an oak tabletop with u-shaped metal legs. It is 90 x 200 cm. I would have loved a width of 100 cm as with some board games I miss those extra 10 cm but we really considered how this would fit into our kitchen and decided against 100 cm.
It really was the right decision but still a hard one.

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