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Our dear followers on Facebook and Twitter voted for Architects of the West Kingdom as the purchase of our Amazon gift cards and we are very grateful for their excellent taste! We’ve played it with just the two of us and also with four people and the game really shines at four players. It’s nice and quick with just two, but certain elements of the game like capturing other players workers and handing them over to the guard tower for money is just way more interesting with multiple players.

We also think that the game has very little to do with being an architect and more to do with being a mob boss. 😉

Yesterday, we returned home after being in London for a couple of days. The main reason that we were there was a wedding party,  but we also included some board game-related things in the end! We visited our first board game cafe ever, namely, Draughts in Hackney! Better late than never, right? We don’t have that many board game cafes in The Netherlands, at least not in our area. At least not the ones that offer different games than the more old-school games like Ludo and Scrabble. So this was our very first experience and it was a lot of fun! We met up with Russ from For Chits and Giggles, who also works there and was the manager for the night and with Alex who will be working for the new hip YouTube channel Dice Breaker! We had a lovely night and played Qwinto, Blue Lagoon and Flamme Rouge, all games we hadn’t played before!

On Friday we just roamed the city of London and on Saturday we attended Tabletop Gaming Live. It was a smaller convention than we are used to going, but that was actually really nice and the location was in a beautiful hall in the Alexandra Palace on top of a hill looking out over the city of London. It was spacy, not too crowded and thus we got to say hi and talk to a lot of people and we even played a demo of Time of Legends: Joan of Arc and a prototype of the game Continuum by Play For Keeps. With Spiel coming up very soon, we decided not to buy any new games. We did, however, pick up the Noir expansion of Chronicles of Crime and are looking forward to seeing what puzzles the game has to offer us next.

Do you know other games about jobs that require a different skill set than you had expected? 😉

So, you’ve discovered the secret that construction is really more about dealing with greasing palms (baksheesh, graft and corruption are such harsh words) than sound design and aesthetics. There is remarkably little difference between organized crime and the average local government.

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