For this comic I dived a little into the history of Marie Curie and she truly was a compelling person. I knew she was a scientist and was involved in research on radioactivity, but that’s about it. I never knew about the awesome stuff she’s done! I was happy to discover that her vehicle in Steampunk Rally, the Petite Curie, was actually based on the mobile X-Ray vehicles she invented to help wounded soldiers in WW1. Fascinating!
I already wrote a little about Steampunk Rally in an earlier blog, click here if you’d like to read it.
A friend introduced us to yet another game in the Android Universe: Infiltration. And that was not was I had expected! It’s Ocean’s Eleven the game, only NOT cooperative and it’s quite hard. The game is about you and your competitive burglars/hackers/runners that are breaking in a building that has many floors. A player has multiple actions he or she can perform and they can of course.. move to a higher floor in the building. The new floors you enter aren’t necessarily harder, the problem is that time is ticking and before the alarm counter reaches 100 – you have to be out of the building or you’ll get caught. The higher you go, the further you have to go back to escape. This strongly reminded me of K2. Trying to reach the top, isn’t always a good strategy – it’s sometimes better to head back in time and let other players push their luck… and see them fail… 😉
Only person two win nobel prices in two different fields! <3
S. Pek
Unfortunately, Linus Pauling also won the Nobel Prize in two different fields.
ah still want to try steampunck rally it seems for the right game in a lot of situations. not to heavy. fun theme and engiene building
Heinze Havinga
I might even like it better than Roll for the Galaxy. it has the same ridiculous amount of dice rolling and simultaneous turns to keep it short, but the racetrack makes you feel more connected to what others are doing.
There’s A Study In Emerald, which is Cthulhu Mythos meets Sherlock Holmes meets history. Interesting game with a cool twist on the deckbuilding genre.
All Quiet On The Martian Front had a wonderful blend of World War I-style sci-fi combined with War of the Worlds. That was a great game while it lasted.
Carl Klutzke
Steampunk Rally and Infiltration are two of my favorites. It helps that they both play up to 6 players in less than 90 minutes.
I wouldn’t mind seeing if there’s a mod for Steampunk Rally on TTS, though I don’t really know how to play. Someone might get that Rodney guy on that.