It’s been eleven weeks since my last comic about Netrunner, so I thought it was about time to post this one. 😉 People that don’t know or play Netrunner really won’t get the joke, so I’ll try to explain it a little.
The comic is based on the card Scorched Earth.
In Netrunner, one player plays a runner (‘hacker’) and the other player plays a big corporation. Corporations have the ability to tag a  runner.  When a runner is tagged, a corporation can do some horrible things, like Scorched Earth. During my last tournament I won twice because of this card. Both times I ended up with two Scorched Earth cards in my hand and the possibility to tag the runner (and them lacking the money to remove the tags in time). As a runner you can’t really defend yourself against a total of 8 meat damage. That’s because the cards in a runner’s hand are equal to the amount of damage they can take. With the standard maximum hand size being 5: you can do the math.
Ahhhh, Scorched Earth. Nothing beats Scorched Earth. Escape, of course, some Plascrete Carapaces.
As a runner I really like Eater / Keyhole, though there are ways to beat it. SanSan Grid is another corp favorite of mine.
Then there are the cards I wouldn’t mind seeing get into a Traffic Accident: Account Siphon, Caprice Nisei, and Jinteki: Replicating Perfection.
Eater/Keyhole is an intriguing combination. Heinze has put it in one of his Runner decks, can’t wait to see it in action. And I fully agree on Caprice Nisei, I’m not a fan of the Psi ‘games’.
Urban Renewal beats Scorched Earth. Card from the original Netrunner run that does 5 Meat damage instead.
Jackson Howard, our lord and savior of the Archives.
Hear hear!
These comics are really great. You’ve really tapped into a niche.
Thanks for the compliment! Great to hear people enjoy it.
Faust joust ( with wyldside pancakes). All the stellar(space) ice. And confusing people who brought me into netrunner by placing chaos theory and monoliths!
Oh wow, the combination of Wyldside, Adjusted Chronotype and Faust is amazing. 😮
Hehe. You now have a follower 🙂
Or at least, another follower :p
Welcome! Thanks for following! 🙂 The more the merrier.
Haha, I love your Netrunner ones.
Corporate Troubleshooter a Komainu as the runner encounters it.
As they take a grip size worth of net damage, use a house of knives token. XD
Love the comic strip! Will be following you.
It used to be howler/janus, but right now it’s panic button + reuse and ash on archives out of industrial genomics.
This comic is awesome ny the way!