Crisis was kindly provided by LudiCreations for free. We thank them for giving us this game which led to this comic! For more information on how we deal with gifted games, please see our FAQ!
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Crisis is a worker placement with a twist which makes it unique and super stressful, like any worker placement game you win the game by having the most points but every round has a point objective. If you end the round above the target, you will improve the economy of Axia and if you end below the objective you’ll damage the economy. Because damaging the economy is bad for everyone, players are stimulated to look at each other’s scores and maybe help them out a bit by not taking a specific building that could help them generate a steady stream of victory points. Other times, you just want to see the economy burn while you get the money to build a spaceport. 😁
If this sounds good and you want to know more, check out the No Pun Included review about the game, they aren’t as positive as we are but they make valid arguments why they have this opinion and show what the game is like in a detailed and entertaining way.
Speaking of worker placement games with a twist, we played Rajas of the Ganges this week and it’s so lovely how close and exciting the ends gets in that game that we’re surprised nobody else has taken that scoring mechanism which doesn’t require any counting up of points at the end of the game. We also played Wingspan two times and not only do we enjoy the game, we just love looking at the birds and learning about them from the fluff text. We’ve seen some rumors about an upcoming expansion at the end of the year and we’re very curious about what that will contain.
Next week is the last comic before the guest artists take over for the whole of August. We’ve seen some of the scripts and it’s going to be so great you never want us to come back. 😉
Bandai has this new game system, called Chrono Clash System, which they plan to use for a bunch of new Expandable Card Games. They released a Naruto set in June, and in September, we’ll get Godzilla. Anyway, it has a really cool take on a resource system for card games. Instead of playing cards that generate resoruces, and so being able to play bigger and bigger cards the longer the game goes on, as withc most TCGs, CCS allows you to play any of your cards whenever you want during your turn. You can drop an 8 cost card turn 1 if you want. However, the cards till have costs, so how does that work?
It all revolves around the Chrono Clash Gauge. That gauge has a 0 in the center, and 10 spaces leading away from the 0 on either side, one side being for Player 1, the other for Player 2. At the beginning of the game, you place a marker on the 0, and when a player plays a card, they move that marker a number of spaces equal to the card’s cost toward their opponent’s side. If, after the card’s effects have been resolved, the marker is on the opponent’s side, the current player’s turn immediately ends, and the opponent can now use all the Time (as the resource is called) that the first player gave them.
I don’t know if I explained it well, so as an example, let’s say the game just started. I’m Player 1, you’re Player 2, and the Gauge looks like this, with the X showing where the marker is currently at:
(P1) 10–9–8–7–6–5–4–3–2–1–[X]–1–2–3–4–5–6–7–8–9–10 (P2)
I immediately play an 8 cost card, move the marker, and then check where the marker is:
(P1) 10–9–8–7–6–5–4–3–2–1–0–1–2–3–4–5–6–7–[X]–9–10 (P2)
It’s on your side of the Gauge, so my turn ends, and it’s your turn. You decide to play 5 cost card. Check the Gauge:
(P1) 10–9–8–7–6–5–4–3–2–1–0–1–2–[X]–4–5–6–7–8–9–10 (P2)
It’s still on your side, so you can play another card. You play another 5 cost.
(P1) 10–9–8–7–6–5–4–3–[X]–1–0–1–2–3–4–5–6–7–8–9–10 (P2)
Woop, your turn is over, but now I have only 2 Time to work with! I could play another 8 cost, but that would give you even more Time to play even more cheap cards. So I just play a 3 cost:
(P1) 10–9–8–7–6–5–4–3–2–1–0–[X]–2–3–4–5–6–7–8–9–10 (P2)
There, now you only have 1, good luck with that.
And so on.
It’s a really cool and creative system, which keeps the game dynamic, and prevents “I can’t play any of my cards!”-situations.
Heinze Havinga
That sounds like the system that is used in Crystal Clans, I’ve never tried it but it sounds super interesting!
How about Hellapagos: work together to build rafts and collect supplies to survive…until the food gets low and it’s survival of the fittest.