Yes, this week’s comic has quite some geek layers going on (hello Game of Thrones!). But most importantly is of course BattleCON!  It took Heinze quite some effort to make me try this game about a year ago, I didn’t really believe in the concept of a fighting game as a board game and I thought it was quite too expensive to just ‘try it’. It’s not an easy game to get your hands on here in The Netherlands and due to obscurity not a game you will find in the demo section of game stores. But then Heinze showed up with the  print-and-play of BattleCON and I thought it was rather amazing. Even though it’s rather simple, it works really well and does have that fighting game vibe going on.

We’ve had the game for a few months now and we’ve only played with characters from the novice and beginner’s flight. That’s why the characters in this strip are not from the more advanced pools. We have the feeling we’ve only scratched the surface of what BattleCON has to offer, and that’s very cool and promising. I can’t wait to try all the different fighters, arenas, game and play modes!

If you’d like to get a taste of the game, check out the  BattleCON Print and Play:

Do you know any games which are excellent to settle an argument with? 😉

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