Whooooooh, this week’s comic is the 150th comic that has been published! Crazy! I almost can’t believe our archives have grown that big already! And I can still say that we’ve published a new comic every week, we’ve never failed that statement on top of this website. Our next milestone is our 3 year anniversary! Which will be accompanied by one of the interesting things we have planned for this year.
So at the UK Games Expo, we’ve scheduled a session of Crystal Heart with Eran from UpToFourPlayers.com and the awesome people from BehindTheBox! Crystal Heart is set in the world of Savage Worlds RPG and it has different mechanics from traditional DnD. If you’d like to know more, you should definitely check out the Crystal Hearts comic by UT4P or look up Savage Worlds. We can’t wait for the UKGE and we really went to the store to get ourselves some awesome looking dice for this special upcoming occasion. 😉 I just love having a reason to get more dice, it’s a weakness! We might not have bought as many as in this comic though.
(And yes, those dice in the third panel are drawn, I wish there was a filter I could have applied to a picture to make it just look like that, but alas! It does look pretty though if I might say so myself.)
I prefer easily readable. regardless of color. your white on pink d12 would drive me crazy.
Colorful, but readable.
Also STRONG preference for d6 to have pips. The other can be numbers.
Hans De Witte
No pips on my d6, thank you very much! It’d be too confusing when my Hexing Warlock rolls a d10+d6+4 for damage!
I generally prefer matching colors myself, but mismatched dice are great for teaching new players with. So much easier to tell them to ‘roll the blue dice’ than ‘roll the d20’.
New game = new dice. It’s the law.